Oncologic Surgery
Oncologic treatment has evolved tremendously over the last decades.
Developements in the fields of oncology research, chemotherapy, surgical treatments and radiotherapy
have greatly enhanced the chances of survival of cancer patients
Oncologic surgery is a dedicated field of surgery
Surgeons involved with this type of surgery are extremely committed, invested, and part of a multisciplinary
oncology team consisting of not only the surgeons but also oncologists, radiotherapists, radiologists, pathologists, dedicated nurses and general parctitioners.
Every CSG oncologic patient in need of surgical treatment is discussed in a broad multidisciplinary oncology panel for optimal results. Follow up of patients is intensive and holistic with inclusion of not only the patient but the whole affected social and sustaining network. In this, the CSG works closely with general practitioners and patient sustaining organisations such as the Prinses Wilhelmina Cancer Fund, Stichting Rosa (colostomy patient organisation) and the Sinta Ros (Pink Ribbon) organisation.
The CSG dedicated oncology surgeons are regularly updated and trained through different courses and conventions and are member of quality controlling international organisations such as the Dutch Society for Oncologic Surgery (NVOC).